ChM. Dr. Kuan Shiong Khoo
Algae Bioseparation Research, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
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ChM. Dr. Kuan Shiong Khoo is an Assistant Professor in Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Yuan Ze University, Taiwan. Khoo’s PhD research focuses on the downstream processing of bioactive compounds such as proteins, lipids and carotenoids (i.e. astaxanthin, lutein and fucoxanthin) from microalgae using various extraction technologies such as liquid biphasic system, assisted-liquid biphasic system and ionic liquids technologies. His research interest also involves in microalgae-bacteria consortium for food waste management, wastewater treatment and volatile organic compound bioremediation, algae-based biofuels, and bioplastics, incorporation of Internet-of-things (IoT) and machine learning into microalgae biorefinery.
He obtained his bachelor’s degree (Applied Chemistry) with a major of Sustainable Chemistry at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia from 2015 to 2018. He has successfully obtained his PhD in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at University of Nottingham, Malaysia within two years’ time after obtaining his bachelor’s degree at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. During his postgraduate study, he has received some prestigious awards and achievements, including the Best Presenter Award Postgraduate Colloquium for Environmental Research (POCER) 2019, Top 15 Finalists YSN-ASM CHRYSALIS AWARD 2021 and University of Nottingham Malaysia Postgraduate Award Prize 2020/21.
He has published over 150+ journal articles (90% are ranked in Q1 journals) during his postgraduate careers (2019 – 2021) and his current h-index is 50 and i10-index is 150 with 9000+ citations in the research field of microalgae biotechnology. His is as an active reviewer in various high impact journals including Chemosphere, Bioresource Technology, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Environmental Research, Bioresource Technology, Science of the Total Environment, Fuel, Phytochemistry Reviews, Scientific Reports (Nature), Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy and Bioengineered He is currently an active Review Editorial in Frontier Sustainable Chemical Process Design and Circular Economy journal. He is also the guest managing editor for Bioengineered journal (Recent advances in bioprocess for sustainable high-valuable bioproducts: current and future perspective (POCER2022)). He is also served as managing and co-guest editor in some reputative journals that includes Chemosphere, Bioengineered and Energy NEXUS. He is the co-chair and organizer from UCSI University for the 6th Postgraduate Colloquium in Environmental Research (POCER 2022) conference:
Research Areas Experience and Area of Interests
Upcycling of Food Waste with Microalgae Biotechnology
- Upcycling food waste into alternative culture medium
- Pretreatment and characterization of food waste
- Biomass composition analysis after cultivating with food waste
- Semi-batch cultivation using food waste for microalgae growth

Artificial Intelligent and Machine Learning for Prediction of Microalgae Biotechnology

Digitalised prediction of blue pigment content from Spirulina sp.

Real-time Monitoring of Microalgae Cultivation (IoT)

Microalgae Biotechnology: Upstream and Downstream Processing

Microalgae bioprocessing from upstream to downstream
- Microalgae technology toward net-zero waste initatives: circular bioeconomy
- Cultivation, harvesting and biorefinery engineering
- Microalgae-bacterial consortium for bioenergy, CO2 sequestration and wastewater bioremediation
- Incorporation of IoT-based continuous cultivation and extraction system

Liquid Biphasic System Technology
- Development of various phase forming components
- Implementation of assisted technologies (ultrasound, bubble and electropermeabilization-assisted) with liquid biphasic technology
- Extraction, purification and recovery technology
Ionic Liquids Technology
- Synthesis, characterization and application of ionic liquids
- Dissolution of lignocellulosic material into cellulose processing
- Cell permeabilization and extraction of microalgae high-value compounds

Haematococcus pluvialis microalgae
Professional Appointment
- Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan (2022 – current)
- Visiting Professor, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, (2024- current)
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, India (2022 – current)
- Visiting Professor, Centre for Research and Graduate Studies, University of Cyberjaya, Malaysia (2022 – 2023)
- Member of Royal of Society of Chemistry (Membership number: 718422)
- Member of IKM Institut Kimia Malaysia – Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (M/5822/9274/22)
- Committee Member, International Bioprocess Society (2021 – current)
- Postdoctoral Researcher Fellow, UCSI University, Malaysia (2021 – 2022)
- Research Associate, Bioseparation Research Group, UNM (2019 – 2021)
- Research Associate, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (2017 – 2018)